Our films > Training films > Growing up with HIV

The challenges of growing up with HIV

We are creating a set of three films about young people living with HIV in Africa. The first is about the impact of finding out they are HIV positive. The second is about adherence to ARVs. The third is about who they chose to tell and the difficulties this creates. Throughout young people talk see the greatest challenge arising from fear and ignorance about HIV – much of it the product of past prevention campaigns built on fear.

Finding out (16 mins)

What are the challenges faced by young people living with HIV in Africa? While modern treatment gives great hope, we are finalising a set of films which paint a disturbing picture of the damage caused by fear-based HIV prevention messages, as well as lack of knowledge in society about the effectiveness of modern treatment.

Finding out (8 mins)

HIV today is easily treatable. Yet for many young people finding out they are HIV positive creates a crisis, separating them from friends and family. This film looks at how misinformation at school and fear based prevention campaigns impact young people. It looks at how children and young people imagine the virus. The narrator is a film-maker who grew up in the UK with HIV, and now travels to Africa to hear the stories of other young people.

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