Our films > Coronavirus films
Films about coronavirus (COVID-19)
In Africa and South Asia more than 3 billion people live with little access to intensive care. Their best hope is through knowledge and information, allowing communities to slow the epidemic, protect those most vulnerable, and continue accessing treatment for other deadly illnesses. Picturing Health is working in partnership with leading research organisations, as well as UNICEF and NGOs to produce films and public health messages to get the right information to the people who need it.
Watch, download and share our films
Our films below are designed to get reliable, practical and easy-to-follow advice to those who need it most in Africa and Asia. You can watch, download and share films in a range of languages and quality settings. The smallest files are ideal for mobile phone sharing with WhatsApp and other platforms.
Animations about vaccination, Covid, HIV and pregnancy
Many countries have now lifted Covid restrictions and lockdowns. These short animated films provide guidance in the new normality where we learn to live with the virus. Some are aimed at a broad audience and are suitable for TV and social media campaigns. Others have more specific audiences, particularly pregnant women attending ante-natal sessions. They were produced in partnership with research institutions in Zimbabwe, Uganda and UK.
All about COVID-19: Advice for African communities
How does coronavirus (COVID-19) spread? What are the symptoms? Who is at risk? How can you protect yourself and your family? This short animation, designed for a range of settings and in different languages, answers these questions.
Language downloads: English | French | Chichewa | Runyankole | Luganda | Rutooro | Shona | Icibemba | Rukiga | Rukonjo | Arabic | Acholi | Ateso | Lugisu | Lusoga | Hausa | Kiswahili | English (Malawi & East Africa)
All about COVID-19: Advice for Asian communities
How does coronavirus (COVID-19) spread? What are the symptoms? Who is at risk? How can you protect yourself and your family? This short animation, designed for a range of settings and in different languages, answers these questions.
Language downloads: English | Hindi | Tamil | Vietnamese
Protecting the elderly from coronavirus in rural Africa
Elderly people play a key role in rural Africa, raising grandchildren and orphans from the HIV epidemic. But now they are under threat from COVID-19. What can communities do to protect their elderly? This short film explains the threat and encourages communities to find their own solutions.
Language downloads: English | French | Chichewa | Shona | Rukiga | Rutooro | Runyankole | Rukonjo | Luganda | Arabic | Acholi | Ateso | Lugisa | Lusoga | Hausa
COVID-19: A message for youth
A short message about reducing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) to save the lives of the most vulnerable. Young people in Africa explain the importance of physical distancing, regular hand washing, and staying at home.
COVID on the Breadline
What does COVID-19 mean for the three quarters of a billion of the world’s inhabitants on the breadline. Will they be hit harder by the pandemic – or lockdowns designed to slow its spread? What will it mean for the children of the world’s poor, five million of whom die every year before they reach their fifth birthday? What other solutions are available?
COVID on the Breadline (short version)
This seven-minute version of our film about COVID-19 provides a condensed exaimation of how coronavirus will impact on the lives of those living on the breadline.