Choezom’s Story: All about TB

A film to prevent TB in Tibet

Choezum’s story came from a visit to a monastery in Tibet by two UK doctors, to find ways of reducing TB in Tibetan communities. Making a film was designed to pass on this experience, and the recommendations of the visit, to a much wider Tibetan audience. TB is a major problem in Tibet, as many people do not have strong resistance to the illness. The film tells the story of a nun who becomes sick with TB, and her recovery. It incorporates short animations by MSF and others, about TB. The film is designed not just to give medical facts to patients. Combatting TB, which has evolved over millenia of co-existence with humans, requires changing habits and understanding how it spreads. The film tries to do this, while respecting the traditions, way of life and philosophy Tibetans are struggling to preserve. To make the film, and build something that celebrates the beauty of the monastery and mountains, we had only still images from the doctor’s visit and a few pictures of the main characters. Ariel, who made the film, stylised the photographs, drawing and painting whole scenes around them, creating a meditative mood as she added camera motion. The main version is in Lhasan Tibetan. There is also an English draft version….which is on the website for reference. We will make a subtitled English version as well. The film was produced in partnership with Heart of Asia.  

Choezom’s Story: All about TB (Lhasan Tibetan and English)

The story of a Tibetan nun as she recovers from TB. The film is designed for general TB education in Tibet, with information that both patients and communities need to know.

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