Picturing Health is using the power of film to distribute essential public health information to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Africa. Your donation will enable us to work with local film makers to create short videos providing advice on hygiene, social distancing and self-isolation, and to distribute them as widely as possible to help control the epidemic and save lives throughout African communities.

You can view the first of our short coronavirus films here. This is aimed at promoting behaviour to protect communities from the outbreak, and is being shared online to people across Africa.

Your Donation
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Terms and Conditions

terms and conditions

About us
Picturing Health is a registered UK Charity with registration number 1171738. The website www.picturinghealth.org is owned by and run by Picturing Health. info@picturinghealth.org is the best form of contact. www.picturinghealth.org has three main functions. To provide information about the activities of the charity. To disseminate films made by Picturing Health and to receive online donations for the activities of Picturing Health. These three functions will be covered in these terms and conditions.

Donations via www.picturinghealth.org
All donations made to www.picturinghealth.org will be for the use of the charity. Where funds are made to a specific campaign or aspect of the charity’s work, then the found will be used for that purpose alone. Donations made in error, as a result of fraud or in the event of accidental duplicate transactions will be refunded electronically back to the same card that was used to make the transation, or the same paypal account, provided the request is made within 20 days of the transaction. Please contact us at info@picturinghealth.org.  If you require a refund, stating the details you gave when you made the donation, and the time and date. If you become aware that your card has been used fraudulently, please contact your card provider.

PayPal provides the gateway for receiving online donations and provides online security for transactions. PIcturing Health is not liable for problems with the gateway.

Donation fees
There is a 1.4% transaction fee applied by PayPal. This is a charity rate and is below the normal rate of online payments. There are no other transaction fees.

(For full information, see our Privacy Policy.) Picturing Health gathers information about you that you provide for the purpose of the donation. This will be kept by us for a period of two years. This will be used for submitting details money raised through donations to the Charity Commission and, if relevant, applying for GiftAid. But it will not be used to contact you for marketing or passed on to other organisations. Picturing Health seeks positive permission to allow us to contact you to keep you updated with our work and to ask for donations for our campaigns. We will not pass on this information to third parties.

Computer viruses
We do not guarantee that our site will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform in order to access our site. You should use your own virus protection software.

Linking to Picturing Health
The purpose of this site is to distribute the films made by Picturing Health as widely as possible. Therefore, no permission is required to link our site, or pages on our site, into other websites. Picturing Health does not take any responsibility for or endorse material on other sites to which we are linked.

Downloading and reusing content
Films and other materials on this site may be downloaded for any educational or medical uses without permission. They may be shown and distributed in any way as complete films. Films may also be re-edited and adapted for educational purposes, although if this has taken place, Picturing Health should be credited for providing the material, and it must be made clear in credits and distribution material  that the film has been re-edited. Picturing Health will take no responsibility for the accuracy of final content. Non-educational uses (such as use of film images in documentary or news production) require express permission from Picturing Health. This is to respect the permissions obtained by patients who were filmed. Sometimes consent was only obtained for educational purposes and not for wider uses. Permission should be sought by writing to info@picturinghealth.org

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By signing up to our mailing list, you agree to allow Picturing Health to email you regularly with film projects, news and appeals relating to our work. We will not share your information and you can opt out any time.

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By signing up to our mailing list, you agree to allow Picturing Health to email you regularly with film projects, news and appeals relating to our work. We will not share your information and you can opt out any time.

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